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From what you've told us it has only found Windows malware, which is what it's supposed to be good at. I just said that I would not use it on my Mac until it is proven to be worth anything. Perhaps the error is coming from your ISP and you have exceeded your bandwidth quota? There are no JavaScript Trojans that are known to do anything on your Mac.īy what you're saying you seem as if I should just remove Avast as well? I could back it up but why use something that will just mess with things?Īs I explained before there are not JavaScript anythings that are known to impact your OS!Īnything you find in your Cache is history and can no longer affect your computer. But do you agree that just using ClamXav would be best? I got the first version from the app store then I deleted that after getting the version from the website then it had "Backup important data, etc" Could it really mess with my files? I'd rather that not happen. Could the JS trojian affect me trying to email the files as attachments? I could send emails fine without the attachments.īy what you're saying you seem as if I should just remove Avast as well? Though it did detect the JS. They were all from different online email providers. It didn't send due to "Status: 4.2.2 (Over quota)" but I tried all of my email accounts and it all gave me the same reason.

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I've used it many times but it has not given me this before.Īlso I was trying to send an email with 5.3mb worth of attachments (.ai and PDF files). Originally it was odd to get a series of these just after getting the rk400 on deviantart.

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Process: /Applications/ Webpage Preview Fetcher I had this pop up too, it this harmless as well? Using MacBookPro Snow Leopard 10.6.8, Safari 5.1.7, Avast version 7.0 and iAntivirus 1.0.1Ĭan anyone help? How can I make sure I remove it correctly? Then I got this message from Avast again Avast came up with 2 iLividSetUPV1.exe as infected so I deleted them and iAntivirus had nothing come up.

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So I ran a full system scan on both avast and iAntivirus. Process: /System/Library/PrivateFrameWorks/amework/ OS/WebProcess So I deleted cookies and cleared the cache.įile: Users//Library/Caches//Cache.db-journal

Is clamxav free